Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Christmas Tree

Recently, I have been reading a couple of Inspirational Christian Authors with my devotions. (aka Elizabeth Elliott and MaryBeth Chapman) LOVE BOTH OF THEM! It puts a different perspective on the way I look at life. Man... we live in a broken world! So screwed up! But that doesn't meant that we have to live life in that fashion! So I was pondering things tonight as I putting up our 'Charlie Brown' Christmas Tree as my hubby says....

 I thought, 'I wonder what Jesus is thinking about my tree.... is it pointing others to Him? Can I teach my children about HIS birthday simply from our Christmas Tree?' He then began opening my eyes to the beautiful truth sitting in our Family Room. Now granted... these are items that I have collected since we got married. The Lord graciously showed me how HE orchestrated this amazing tree. 
First, it is done with Candy Canes, Stars, and Snowflakes in Red, White and Gold. 

Candy Canes~ Are for the shepherds staff as they kept watch over the flocks by night when the Angel appeared to them announcing Baby Jesus birth.(Luke 2:8)
Stars~ are what the wisemen followed to see their King. (Matthew 2)
Red~ is for His blood that was shed on calvary. (John 3:16)
White~ represents the promise of hope as we will be arrayed in fine white linen when He returns for us, His Bride. (Rev. !9)
Gold~ reminds us that these trials are but light afflictions as He knows the way that we take and is transforming us into Gold. (Job 23:10)
Snowflakes~ Every day, He washes us, cleanses us and sees us as clean as freshly fallen snow...when we are faithful to confess and ask for forgiveness. (1 John 1:9)

If our precious. loving, merciful God can plan out my little Christmas Tree from multiple trips to the Dollar Store over 8 Christmases to show the entire reason HE came to earth, then I must trust Him for everything in my life. He will be faithful. He is the omnipotent King who Reigns at every second of every day and one day, the King that EVERY SINGLE KNEE WILL BOW BEFORE. Yes, that is the Savior who died for you and for me and lives inside the heart of every believer. Pretty Amazing. This Christmas, make it about Him... there is nothing better than Him and only Him!

He is the One who CREATED EACH of us to be BEAUTIFULLY SPECIAL. You won't regret having Him as the best gift ever! 

Anyone still here?!

Wowsers Momma's! Long time, no write! How I miss writing. It really is a sweet time for this Momma to reflect.
 A lot has happened in the last few months! New docs, new jobs, new church, new twists and turns. But through it all, my Savior has been by my side. You know, one thing that always brings tears to my eyes is that even tho I fail Him time after time, He NEVER leaves or lets me go. Pretty amazing, Huh?
  So, Hello again. I am back. I am here. I am ready to go on this journey together knowing that we are all Created Beautifully Special in His image.