Sorry if there was confusion today. I posted earlier, then retracted my post. Not because I didn't stand behind it, but because I was warned about others who took the same stance as I did, and were sued in court and investigated by CPS. This blog is is not more important than my kids whatsoever! Therefore, I chose to delete.
It really gets under my skin. People discriminate against our special needs kiddos all the time yet we don't have the right to stand up and say ,'Hey! This isn't right', without the fear of being taken to court! After observing, researching, and looking into the issue of bullying, my jaw is continually on the floor.
Statistics show that nearly 90% of special needs students are bullied or mistreated by their peers. NINETY PERCENT! Chances are, that in our lifetime, our child will experience bullying. Truth of the matter is, in our society, we all will be bullied at one time or another.
Today, I have been boiling! Usually I take the 'kill them with kindness' approach. However, those have not been my sentiments as I look upon the world in which we live. Then tonight, as I was doing the dishes, something 'dawned' (no pun intended =D) on me. Instead of letting all of my frustration spew out on to you, creating a domino effect so that we all become this mob, carrying lighted torches and pitchforks, what if we take a different approach.
How would I feel if my kiddos were sitting next to me, listening to me rant and rave to the people who I strongly dislike. Now, I'm not saying not to stand up for what you believe in, but to look at which the manner it is handled. If my children see me 'acting' like a bully, how do you think they will treat a person who they disagree with? Do you think they will pull out of thin air, 'Oh, I should let this person know my feelings in a calm, rational way'? No. They will remember Momma and her little temper tantrum to the lady who wouldn't listen! Momma's, we are the ones responsible for growing bullies. Now, take that with a grain of salt. Each of us has the opportunity to make this world a better place each day. Are we instilling that quality in our kids? Even when people are mean to us. How do we encourage them to treat others? I know that my anger is justified. I know the people that I am contact with are wrong. But two wrongs don't make a just fuels the flames.
My challenge to all of us is this. We are only here for a short time. Being a Momma is the most privileged, overwhelming, beautiful job there is. You have the ability to shape other human beings. How you react every minute of the day in front of your children will mold their little brains. They will more than likely do what you do..... especially if it's negative. Gotta love the 'mini-me's' on all of your failures!
What if we started raising a generation that silences bullies. Not because our kids are louder, but because they are human beings that care about others. Bullies are mean to get an ego power trip. Why do these individuals need a power trip? Probably because at some point, someone has told them they are worthless, a nobody, a failure. How often do you praise your children? Tell them you love them? Show them that no matter what, you are there for them?
We have the power to change the world, one person at a time. Maybe, just maybe, the special needs community could lead the way in showing those who do the bullying are the ones that truly need the help. Not our kids who are climbing mountains everyday. just put this into practice the next time someone treats my child as though she isn't worth their time or effort because she has different struggles than the 'normal' kid. Really? My child has medical issues that make her a warrior. Bullies..... they have challenges that probably are harder to overcome than anything my girl faces. It truly is a sad situation that so many find themselves in. Let's focus on growing people who can make a difference in this world....starting with you and me.
This journey is not easy, and there are people that will make it more difficult just because they can. But let's remember the kids that we are fighting for. Look in to their eyes, soak up their love, and make them proud. After all, they are little angels that have changed our lives....for the better.
Here's to friend.
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